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Online wedding
For optimal well-being, everyone needs connection. Connection with our environment, connection with friends and family, and connection with those familiar to us.
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Stop wedding planning feeling like a marathon by cutting it down to a few short sprints with our checklist
- We understand the trials and tribulations that every couple experiences when planning an event as momentous as a wedding. The hoops they have to go through to please not just their own big day ambitions, but also their loved ones! The learning curve that everyone goes through on the journey from engagement to vows is steep. And without careful research, tools, and planning, you may find the end result is not quite as you envisioned.
A full-proof guide that’ll take you through every step of the planning process, and help you pull off the event of your dreams! And to help you further, we even have our very own checklist tool on our site. Which allows you to easily create a personalised, shareable wedding checklist online that can be updated quickly and easily. You’ll find it among the other handy tools in your project.
We know you’re excited. You’ve just got engaged! You’re busy showing off your shiny rock to whoever you see. Dreaming about place settings, cake tiers and bridal shopping. This is a whirlwind of a time for any couple, and it’s totally understandable if you haven’t thought seriously about big day planning yet. But now, fresh from engagement celebrations, is the best time to start. Because by putting together your wedding planning checklist early, you’ll be giving yourself the best chance of creating the event of your dreams. And avoid ‘wedmin’ getting on top of you.
Wedding planning care services:
Wedding planning doesn’t have to be stressful, in fact, thanks to our checklist, we believe it’ll actually be fun!